The Isle of Wight Law Society was founded in February 1903 .
Purpose - The objectives of the Isle of Wight Law Society are:
- The protection and advancement of the Legal Profession and of the character, status and interests of the solicitors practising in the Isle of Wight;
- The promotion of honourable practise;
- The settlement of disputed points of practise and the decisions of questions of professional usage and etiquette; and
- The consideration of any question affecting the interests of the Profession at large or the alteration or administration of the law.
Becoming a member
Any solicitor practising or living within the Isle of Wight, any trainee solicitor with a training contract within the Isle of Wight, any other legal professional practising or living within the Isle of Wight who is regulated by a professional body such as the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, the Council for Licenced Conveyancers, the Notaries Society or the Bar Council may become a member of the Isle of Wight Law Society. To apply for membership please contact the Honorary Secretary.